Andrew Martin Planning (AM-P) recently secured outline planning permission for the demolition of existing industrial units, livery, and stable and the conversion of existing commercial and residential building to 2no. residential units, alongside construction of five new units to create a total 7no. four bed family homes. Oakleigh Farm is located within the Essex countryside in Brentwood Borough Council.
The client sought to make better use and increase the value of an existing underutilised brownfield site within the Green Belt. A range of planning issues needed to be addressed, but most challenging was seeking to develop proposals that were considered to represent appropriate development within the Green Belt and which would not have a greater impact on its openness.
Building on a positive preapplication submission, AM-P successfully argued that the site constituted previously developed land, meaning exceptions provided in the NPPF could be utilised.
Through undertaking both a detailed visual and spatial assessment of the existing built form and context, AM-P successfully devised a new layout which maximised the site’s housing potential within the confines of Green Belt policy. Through sensitive and careful design, AM-P demonstrated how a reduction in overall built form, as well as the contained layout and increase in soft landscaping, would ensure that the proposals did not have a greater impact upon the Green Belt than the existing development.
AM-P also resolved a technical issue in relation to waste collection. The location of the proposed housing was more than the maximum 25m ‘drag’ distance from the public highway. During the application process, AM-P successfully negotiated alternative satisfactory arrangements with the Council to resolve the issue.
The scheme was also praised for its potential to achieve significant landscape and ecological benefits.
AM-P Lead Consultant: Ian Butcher BSc (Hons) MA MRTPI – Associate Director
Architect: Nick Hatton