Andrew Martin Planning (AM-P) recently secured planning permission for a change of use of two former agricultural storage barns to holiday lets as part of a farm diversification project. Hixham Hall is a farmstead, located south east of Furneux Pelham, in the beautiful rural, historic setting of the East Hertfordshire countryside.
The client sought to make better use of existing underutilised barns in order to diversify and generate an additional source of income for the farm. A number of planning issues needed to be addressed in order to achieve a positive outcome. These included addressing heritage, Biodiversity Net Gain, ecology and sustainability matters.
AM-P successfully demonstrated how proposals would provide significant heritage benefits by revitalising the barns and bringing them back into a sustainable long-term use and how proposals sensitively protected and enhanced the setting of adjoining listed buildings.
AM-P worked with the client to identify additional land for ‘off site’ enhancement in order to meet the Council’s BNG policy requirements. In addition, working with an ecologist, detailed surveying was undertaken to ensure that proposals did not have any adverse effects on protected bats species.
While it was accepted that the site, to a degree was in a remote location, it is located in an idyllic place in the heart of the East Herts countryside, which the Council recognised is a major draw for visitors and tourism to the District.
AM-P successfully demonstrated how proposals would result in a number of economic benefits such as making an important contribution to the District’s tourism offer and rural economy, attract new visitors and tourism into the District and create new jobs.
AM-P Lead Consultant: Ian Butcher BSc (Hons) MA MRTPI – Associate Director
Images: Abi Ford Design