Rectory Farm

Rectory Farm

Andrew Martin Planning (AM-P) recently secured confirmation that Prior Approval was not required under Class A of Part 6; Schedule 2 of the General (Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 as amended (GPDO) for a new agricultural building at Rectory Farm in Rochford District Council.

The building was required for the growth and improvement of farming operations at Rectory Farm and to provide a building which met the needs and standards of modern agricultural practices. The provision of safe and secure agricultural storage was considered vital to the farm’s long term operation and viability of its business.

AM-P secured a farm building that met the maximum parameters (1,500m2). AM-P provided clear justification for all the criteria in the regulations. However, in particular, AM-P provided justification for the need for a building of this size. The building was designed to reflect agricultural buildings across the district and those adjacent. The siting and design of the proposed building was devised to minimise any potential adverse impact on the rural area and to blend into the surround landscape, particularly as a consideration was its potential impact on the openness of the Green Belt. The design of the proposed building was considered to be of an appropriate scale and appearance for its function and for the setting within which it was to be sited.

AM-P Lead Consultant: Ian Butcher BSc (Hons) MA MRTPI – Associate Director

Architect: J & K Architectural Services