AM-P demonstrates a strong commitment to implementing renewable energy technology and monitoring energy consumption. The AM-P office, although a historic former cowshed conversion with limited scope to meet modern carbon reduction construction methods, is nevertheless very energy efficient and has a low U-Value energy rating.
Energy conserving and ‘green living’ measures are promoted through a positive company ethos toward the environment. These include the provision of on-site recycling facilities, investment in advanced appliances and low energy consuming equipment and car sharing for off-site meetings.
The most effective technology used at the AM-P office for energy generation is the Solar Photovoltaic System which was installed in 2015, sited along the boundary of the property curtilage in a southerly orientation. Annual reviews of energy consumed and energy generated reveals that the PV system generates a third of the office’s annual electricity requirements. This renewable system significantly lowers the businesses carbon footprint. Over a 20 year period, it is estimated that this PV system will save 42 tonnes of carbon dioxide.
The PV system is used to provide the electrical input to run an air source heat pump which provides office space heating as part of an underfloor heating system, and hot water.
We are extremely proud of our ‘green’ credentials and our approach to environmental responsibility. We regularly review our office energy consumption and always endeavour to make further positive changes towards adopting ‘greener’ practices.
Utilising reliable, environmentally sustainable and affordable energy sources is fundamental to economic stability and development. AMP’s investment in renewable technology has long-term benefits, both financially and environmentally.